Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Mob

Things have settled into a bit of a routine here on the farm. All the does have freshend except Esmay, and she's due next week. Right now she looks a bit like a balloon, and rather uncomfortable, but she's holding her own with her bossy pen mate K.

Today was the first time that all the kids (a.k.a. The Mob) were put out into the pasture with the shed in it for a few hours. There are 13 of the little buggers, and they are a hoot to watch. I don't think that I'll ever get tired of seeing them leap and twist and then tear around like their tails are on fire. Most of them are Alpines, but our daughter raises a few meat goats, so there are a few BoerX kids in there also.

Here they all are, hopping about and chasing each other. The little white one with the black head and long floppy ears is Dolly. She's an orphaned BoerX doeling that was given to our daughter. Dolly will stay.

This is Bonita

And this is Buena. They are Baco's kids that I wrote about in an earlier post. They'll be staying on the farm.